Our carbon
Learn more about what makes us the world’s first carbon negative tree nursery.
1. Understanding our carbon footprint
Zero Waste Scotland carried out a carbon audit of our tree nursery and supply chain.
2. Creating a carbon strategy
Zero Waste Scotland’s audit showed us that our current emissions were 342.8 CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent). It also outlined that by using a combination of LED lighting, solar photovoltaic panels, battery storage and renewable heating, we could reduce that figure to 92.56 CO2e.
This equates to a 77% reduction in emissions.
3. Offsetting unavoidable emissions
The final step for us was to purchase 250 verified woodland carbon units from a biodiverse native woodland restoration project that have been retired against these emissions. This allows us to claim that we are currently carbon negative. We also have a strategy to purchase credits again after three years to offset our ongoing emissions. This doesn’t mean we will stop reducing our emissions. Each year we will conduct an audit to assess our emissions, and reduce where possible.