The world’s first verified
tree nursery
More than just a tree nursery.
Our top-notch glasshouse tree nursery is equipped with the latest innovations in propagation technology and is designed to optimise the quality of your trees.
Why buy akre trees?
It’s a better tree
akre trees benefit from air-pruning technology which allows faster and healthier root development leading to better early growth and rapid establishment.
It’s good for the planet
akre trees grow completely off-grid at our carbon-negative tree nursery using biodegradable paper cells that significantly reduce the use of compost and plastic.
It’s cost-effective
With no plastic pots or poly bags to remove or pick up, our trees are designed for easy plant-out and higher establishment rates.
Healthier roots, Healthier Trees.
Our propagation system guarantees high uniformity and low root deformity in trees. Healthier trees suffer less transplant shock and lead to higher establishment rates.
The right tree in the right place
We collect the seeds from the land to which the seedlings will return to, guaranteeing seed provenance and biosecurity while enhancing the woodlands’ productivity.
akre offerings
and many more.